Dear Mr. Rizzi:

I am very intrigued with your efforts to finally make Quickbooks accessible with screen readers.

I have attempted to use the software several times over the years to no avail. My husband is a master plumber and has used this software exclusively for his bookkeeping needs. If Quickbooks becomes accessible, I would be a great asset to his business, as I could create invoices, proposals, estimates, and do so many other secretarial duties, which would relieve him of the burden of doing these things after he has already worked a full day.

Believe me when I say that no one wants to see Quickbooks become accessible any more than I do. I have many many years of experience with several screenreaders, Microsoft Office products, Windows, OSx, and IOS platforms. I have been employed as a medical transcriptionist, customer service representative, and collections adjuster, which all required screenreader use with several different platforms.

I wish you all the best in this effort, and believe it will benefit so many people. I look forward to the day Quickbooks is accessible to all who want to use it!


Kimberly Thurman
Louisville, Kentucky