Zero Project receives 372 nominations from 76 countries
The Zero Project has completed the nomination process for Innovative Practices and Policies in the field of accessibility. It has received 317 nominations for Innovative Practices and 55 for Innovative Policies from more than 70 countries around the world
Albert’s interview with Dave Gardy on WebAble TV
Albert Rizzi, founder and CEO of, discusses the 27th anniversary of the ADA with Dave Gardy of WebAble TV.
R.I.P Debra L. Kelly, 1953-2017
Debra L. Kelly, age 64, passed peacefully Monday evening, July 24, 2017, in Emmetsburg, Iowa
A New Yorker Who Went Blind Helps Others With Vision Loss
Dixie Sanderson, a bookkeeper in Guilford, Connecticut, lost her sight at age 41.
Confronting Ableism
Negative cultural attitudes toward disability can undermine opportunities for all students to participate fully in school and society...
Internet inventor: Make tech accessibility better already
Both Vint Cerf, known as a "father of the Internet," and his wife have hearing disabilities. Vint Cerf is often called the "father of the internet."