Through the support and generous contributions from friends like you, My Blind Spot is able to leverage the resources we need to deliver on our mission of inspiring access for people of all abilities.
Your support helps us open doors of employment, opportunity and independence for people of ALL abilities. The time, talent and treasures given freely by friends like you helps ensure that we inspire accessibility for all!
Through your generous support we will continue to shift those social paradigms to ensure that people of ALL abilities enjoy barrier free, independent access to all digital platforms and offerings. My Blind Spot believes that access to the right tools, including technologies, promotes ability and restores infinite possibilities. Thanks for helping us ensure possibilities for all!
My Blind Spot is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization.
Support My Blind Spot as you shop by using Amazon Smile!
Would you like to help My Blind Spot as you shop on Amazon? Using Amazon Smile, you can shop as you normally would and Amazon will donate to My Blind Spot with every purchase you make! By using Amazon Smile, you can make those purchases and support My Blind Spot in its mission of Inspiring Accessibility for People of ALL Abilities!
How to shop on Amazon Smile
- Go to and sign in with your Amazon login
- Select My Blind Spot from the list of non-profit organizations
- Shop and make purchases as you normally do
- Amazon will donate to My Blind Spot with every purchase you make
Your support is greatly appreciated!