The Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired
offers free on-line and distance education courses that can be useful in preparing for employment. Hadley’s Professional Studies Program includes courses in braille, access technology, and independent living.
The TechVision Difference
Education, instruction, and keystroke based lessons for blind/visually impaired/sighted people, teachers, parents and adults working with them. These are not manuals but actual lessons used with students for easy instruction and learning. Hundreds of articles and videos to learn from also.
Braille for Children
Merry-Noel Chamberlain has compiled this page with a lot of information related to presenting braille to parents, siblings, and others.
National Certification in Literary Braille
Individuals can register to take the National Certification in Literary Braille Exam.
Teaching Tolerance
Seeks to reduce prejudice, improve intergroup relations and support equitable school experiences for our nation’s children. Provides free educational materials. Web offerings include downloadable curricula, other classroom activities and materials for youth and parents/guardians.