If you’re blind or visually impaired it can be difficult to travel, but not impossible. You just have to come prepared. For tips, try these sites:

The Society for Accessible Travel & Hospitality
(SATH), founded in 1976, is an educational nonprofit membership organization whose mission is to raise awareness of the needs of all travelers with disabilities, remove physical and attitudinal barriers to free access and expand travel opportunities in the United States and abroad. Members include travel professionals, consumers with disabilities, and other individuals and corporations.
Travel Agents
There are many different types of travel agents. You may want to find a full service agent that can help you with your flight, hotel, accessible van rental, and anything else you may need. Or if you are willing and able to make those arrangements yourself, then you can use a specialized travel agent for a specific trip. My Blind Spot is familiar with the agents listed below, and you may find more listings at www.disabledtravelers.com. Mind’s Eye Travel creates tours for people with visual impairments. The hosted trips let both visually challenged and fully sighted people tour comfortably and free of worry. Traveleyes is a travel company with a difference. It provides holidays for both blind/visually impaired and sighted travelers, journeying together in a spirit of mutual independence
Travel blogger Peter Greenberg
has a number of posts about travel issues of those who have disabilities.
An Uplifting Travel Tale
To learn about Albert’s recent travel adventures with his guide dog Doxy as described at www.disability.gov, read his post, Grounded, But Still Soaring