School for the Blind guides visually impaired using “smart paint”

2018-12-17T14:03:41-05:00December 17th, 2018|Accessibility, Outdoors, Tanner's Thoughts, Technology|

Tanner's Thoughts In October 2011, I found myself alone, hungry, and in Guadalajara Mexico. It was my first time here. In fact, this was my first international trip ever. Standing in front of the door, my stomach grumbles again. I haven’t eaten all day. A few months earlier, also for the first time ever, I

10 years of Inspiration & an Accessibility Announcement

2018-11-16T09:25:12-05:00November 16th, 2018|Accessibility, Employment, Government, Tanner's Thoughts, Technology|

By Tanner Gers Next year will mark My Blind Spot’s 10th anniversary of inspiring accessibility and inclusion for people of all abilities. When our fearless Founder Albert Rizzi lost his sight, he was driven to fulfill a vision of inclusion, opportunity, and digital equity for people of all abilities. It’s the same drive behind our

Does Your Corporate Diversity and Inclusion Program Include Powerful People with Disabilities?

2018-10-31T17:06:59-04:00October 31st, 2018|Accessibility, Community, Employment, Tanner's Thoughts|

by Tanner Gers Has your organization truly embraced diversity and inclusion? Do you have diverse, inclusive hiring practices? When you hire qualified professionals, do you have inclusive digital, physical, and organizational supports in place for people of all abilities? If not, your corporate culture isn’t as diverse and inclusive as it could be. And it

An Inclusive World, Maps, and Google

2018-10-29T07:55:05-04:00October 25th, 2018|Accessibility, Community, Outdoors, Tanner's Thoughts, Technology|

by Tanner Gers Even my grandma in her 80’s knows how to use Google maps. Google’s awesome technology has taken us to the next level with regards to travel instructions, GPS, and knowing where we all want to go. And when I say us, I really mean most of us… Until now. Recently, Google incorporated

Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities has launched the abilITy Cisco Academy powered by NYC: ATWORK

2018-10-18T09:56:11-04:00October 18th, 2018|Accessibility, Community, Employment, Government, Tanner's Thoughts|

by Tanner Gers New York City sets standards high in creating employment opportunities for people with disabilities in 21st century jobs! On October 11, 2018, Neil Ramano’s team at the National Council on Disability submitted to President Trump the 2018 Report National Disability Employment Policy, From the New Deal to the Real Deal: Joining the

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