About David Middleton

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So far David Middleton has created 5 blog entries.

Uber and Lyft are not Panaceas for Transportation if you have a Disability

2019-07-31T10:57:46-04:00July 23rd, 2019|Activities, Albert's Thoughts, Community, Outdoors|

by Albert J. Rizzi, M.Ed. For some reason, the state of New York bars individuals who happen to be blind from securing a driver license. Because of this, many of my peers and colleagues from the disability community rely on public transportation, taxis, and the kindness of strangers to get around. This means that we

Notes on my Appearance at TEDxMidAtlantic 2019

2019-04-11T11:13:36-04:00April 11th, 2019|Uncategorized|

by Albert J. Rizzi I was honored to speak at the recent TEDxMidAtlantic 2019 “Unbreakable” event held at the end of March in Washington, D.C. It was jam-packed with many distinguished speakers offering their views, including Representative Elijah Cummings and U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams as well as an up and coming future leader, Ethan

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